Jeremy Kratz, MD
Credentials: Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor
Phone: (734) 904-0291
Undergraduate: Bachelors of Science-Honors, Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2011
Medical School: MD, University of Michigan Medical School, 2015
Internal Medicine Residency: UW Hospital and Clinics
Heme/Onc Fellowship: UW Hospital and Clinics
Dr. Kratz has trained in multiple areas of biomedical research. He grew up outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan and his research began as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan. He first trained in regulatory RNA elements of HIV with Biophysicist Hashim Al-Hashimi PhD. This work led to publications in the journals of Nature Chemical Biology and Angewandte Chemie for understanding strategies for small molecule targeting of regulatory RNA elements. During his training at the University of Michigan Medical School he trained in the laboratory of Dr. James Baker and Dr. Sascha Goonewardena within the Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences (MNIMBS). He investigated the use of folate receptor-targeted dendrimer nanoparticles in epithelial cancer models. Together, these experiences provided a breath of experiences to build a career dedicated to biomedical research.
Dr. Kratz came to Madison and trained under the American Board of Internal Medicine Research Pathway Training IMPACT Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with combined training in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology. During Jeremy’s postdoctoral research training, he focused on translational applications to gastrointestinal cancer under the mentorship of Dr. Dustin Deming. He received support from the NIH/NIA Biology of Aging and Age Related Diseases T32 Training Grant. Using patient-derived organoids models, he investigated the molecular mechanisms of targeted therapeutic selection from the University of Wisconsin’s Precision Medicine Molecular Tumor Board. His post doctoral work was supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Conquer Cancer of ASCO’s Young Investigator Award. Additionally, Dr. Kratz joined Veteran’s Administration National Precision Oncology Program in guiding precision strategies and education about precision oncology specific to gastrointestinal malignancy. In August 2021, the Kratz Laboratory was established at the UW Center for Human Genomics and Precision Medicine.
Jeremy lives with his wife Maggie and two young children Nora and Jack. His family enjoys traveling, hiking, and playing at local parks, especially James Madison Park near downtown.